Past Meetings & Events
November Meeting
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 19:45Dr Barbara Somerville
Tour Director of Flora Garden Tours
Against All Odds. The Story of a Norfolk Garden
Barbara will talk about the creation of her West Norfolk garden out of a wilderness, which is the subject of her recent book.
October Meeting
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 19:45Joe Whitehead
From Radio Norfolk’s Saturday Garden Club
Plants of the Moment
Expert advice on which plants look good at this time of year.
Also: Autumn Bag Sale Please bring surplus plants in one or more bags to be sold at 50p per bag.
A members request:- I used to have many flower pots, but since my garden has become so full I
have learnt not to buy new plants I have had no need of pots. But now I have no pots to put
new finds in the garden, or cuttings etc. etc. in for the annual plant sale.
Has anyone a glut they want rid of? Tina
September Meeting
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 19:45Darren Lerigo
Owner and Director of Modern Mint Garden Design
What Do I Do With This Space?
The talk takes in gardens and ideas from all over the world, including Finland, Japan, Uruguay and the Serengeti.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 19:45Summer Show and Social Evening
A light hearted, slightly competitive evening with something for everyone. Also featuring Hanna Claxton who will give an informal talk about the work of the Eves Hill Veg Com, followed by a Quiz.
F1 A selection of Shrub Foliage – 4 different shrubs, leaves only, no berries, no oasis, no supports - should be loose or hand tied in a vase
F2 Miniature flower arrangement
F3 A vase of ten flower stems – may be same species or mixed
F4 Container of Herbs – maximum of six varieties
F5 Single Specimen Flower of your choice
F6 Garden Club Geranium
V1 Tomatoes – 5 same variety )
V2 Tomatoes – Mixed, 3 varieties )
V3 French or Runner Beans – 5 same variety ) V1-V7 to be presented on a plate
V4 Potatoes – 3 same variety )
V5 Onions or Shallots - 3 same variety )
V6 Selection of any three vegetables )
V7 Soft fruit – single variety or mixed(not stoned) )
V8 Best cucumber
N1 Miniature garden - any shape no larger than 12" x 12" (30 cm x 30 cm)
P1 An 'Unwanted Visitor' to your garden. Please no bigger than A5 (approx 8” x 4”), unmounted and a maximum of two. Please note that these will be pinned up and will have holes made in the corners.
W1 Anything you are proud of and want to show to the Club - could be embroidery, craft work, knitting, collage, plant - anything at all.
Show entries should be brought to the Town Hall between 7.15 - 7.30 pm
Plates and vases will be available
Members will pay their normal entrance fee of £1, class entry is free to members and their families
Entrance to non-members living in the Reepham area will be £2.50
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 19:45Kathy Gray, Programme Organiser of Norfolk Plant Heritage
The Diversity of the British Garden and Plant Heritage.
Visiting Knebworth House and Garden, Herts, and Jordan's Mill , Beds, for coffee stop and garden visit.
Thursday, July 13, 2017 - 08:30
Visiting Knebworth House and Garden, Herts, and Jordan's Mill , Beds, for coffee stop and garden visit. (Entry to the house is at an extra cost of £3.00 on the day.)
Date, Thursday 13 th July.
Leaving Station Rd Car Park, Reepham at 8.30 am and returning at approx 6-6.30 pm.
Cost £18.00. Cheques to be made out to Reepham and District Gardening Club.
Bookings can be made to Mrs C Else, 28, Mill Rd, Reepham, Norwich , Norfolk, NR104 JU. Tel 01603 308101. Or via other garden club members or at the monthly meetings.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:45Mark Webster, Head of the Norfolk Conservation Volunteers
The hidden beautiful green spaces of mid Norfolk.
A talk about local wildlife and practical tasks to help look after green spaces.
Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 11:00From 11:00am until 5:00pm
At New Frost Hall, Claypit Road, Foulsham, Dereham, NR20 5RW
Adults £4, Children FREE
On Sunday 28th May throughout the village almost a dozen gardens of various sizes and styles will be open to the public, and it's not too late to add your own garden to the list
There will also be a scavenger hunt for children, as well as refreshments, toilet facilities and car parking at the Hall
Programmes and maps of the village and gardens will also be available
Proceeds from the events will be going to the New Frost Hall
For more information visit the Open Gardens directory here,
or contact Jacqui Logan:
Phone: 01362 683 620
Plant Sales:
There will be several stalls at the New Frost Hall, so if you are interested in having a space to sell plants or garden items, either for charity or your own business, please get in touch with Jacqui.
Reepham Food Festival
Saturday, May 27, 2017 - 18:00The first Reepham Food Festival is being held on May 27/28 2017.
The market square will be closed for events, stalls, cookery demonstrations and lots of places to eat and drink - you can see the latest developments at . It is hoped to see people from Reepham and beyond enjoying themselves on a free family day out. Many organisations and people have joined in to help put Reepham on the map, but it takes a lot of people to put on a festival and a few more volunteers are wanted for the weekend. There is a promise of fun and community involvement - and a badge - but sadly no other renumeration.
The easiest way to volunteer is through the Reepham Food Festival website - follow the short link. Just leave a note of your email and/or phone, say when you are available and the organisers will get back to you.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - 19:45Bill LeGrice
My Personal Love Affair with the Rose
One of the world’s leading rose growers. After training in France, Holland and USA, returned to the UK to run family rose business in Norfolk.