Past Meetings & Events
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 19:30Professor Tom Williamson
‘Humphry Repton and his Norfolk Parks and Gardens’
Tom is a Professor of History at the UEA and is a landscape historian and landscape archaeologist. He is currently involved with the Gardens Trusts of Hertfordshire and Norfolk in researching the work of the designer Humphry Repton in these two counties.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - 19:30Our speaker for our next on-line meeting on 19th January will be by Nancy Stevens an experienced Garden Club speaker of many years and the title of the talk is 'A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever' - Japanese Gardens. Nancy is from north of the border living near Glasgow, but she assures me that she doesn't speak with a strong Glaswegian accent!
Our meeting will start at 7.30pm with Nancy giving her talk at about 7.40pm, followed by questions and answers.
Zoom invites will be sent out nearer the time with log-on available from 7.15.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 19:30Dr Ian Bedford
'Butterfly Gardening'.
Dr Ian Bedford is a Research Entomologist & Speaker. Ian has been fascinated by insects and other invertebrates for most of his life. From studying butterflies on the South Downs as a youngster, he went on to pursue a career in Research Entomology and ran the Entomology Dept at the John Innes Centre in Norwich up to his recent retirement after 42 yrs. Following his retirement Ian now provides independent entomological advice to companies that are developing environmentally safe plant protection products and he also promotes and encourage wildlife-friendly home gardening.
In addition Ian talks on a number of radio shows and currently has the great honour of being the resident 'Go To' Entomologist for BBC Radio Norfolk, Suffolk and Lincolnshire. He is also the 'Entomologist who Entertains' on Toby Buckland's Sunday morning show for gardeners on BBC Radio Devon where he tells a different insect story each week!!!
Ian has also featured on BBC Gardeners Question Time and appeared on TV shows such as BBC Gardeners' World, Inside Out, Tonight, Horizon, BBC Breakfast, A to Z of TV Gardening, The Great British Garden Revival and even Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule!
This should not only be fun talk but a very informative one on how we can encourage butterflies to enjoy our gardens.
WebEx invites will be sent out nearer the meeting.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 19:30Dear Garden Club Members,
It will not come as a surprise that our October meeting at the Town Hall is now cancelled, BUT we will have an on-line meeting on 20 October and I will post details when a speaker has been booked.
Our on-line meeting on Tuesday was very good with Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley giving us a very informative, fascinating and very amusing insight into the history of the gardens. He also provided us with a presentation on the work he and his team have carried out during his 3 year tenure. The talk has definitely whetted our appetite to hopefully organise a club visit next year (COVID permitting!)
Watch this space for details of next months speaker.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 19:30Hello Fellow Gardeners,
Now the weather has turned I am back indoors catching up on 'office work'.
As per my earlier email not surprisingly we have had to cancel our October Town Hall meeting, but I am pleased to advise you that for our replacement on-line meeting I have arranged for Dr. Tony Leech, Norfolk County Recorder of Fungi, to give us a talk entitled 'Fungal Friends and Foes', which will describe the role of fungi in our gardens.
Tony has given the Club a number of lively talks over the years and no doubt this will be no exception.
As normal I will send a WebEx invitation and when I do I will send a separate email asking you to confirm whether you have received the invitation or not.
Our meeting will start at 7.30pm (however, please try and log-on at anytime between 7.15-7.30) with Tony giving his talk at 7.45pm, followed by questions and then (if we have time) as in the past, we will open it up to all members to:-
'Show and Tell' (anything or plants of the moment that they are proud of),
'Plant Identification' (we all have plants that we don't know the name of, either we have thrown away the label or they have just popped up and we can't find them on the net - but I am sure that someone in the club will probably know exactly what they are)
'Questions Regarding any Gardening Problems'.
If you could please send any photos to me in advance, as I will then, during the meeting, share with the group when you are ready to talk, therefore eliminating the need for you to learn how to bring up the photo or photos yourself.
I am sure you will not want to miss this talk and if you haven't joined us before for an on-line meeting I would urge you to do so this time.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 19:30Dear Garden Club Members,
It will not come as a surprise that our September meeting at the Town Hall is cancelled, but I am pleased to confirm that at our next on-line meeting on 15 September we are being joined by Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley House. Joe is always a very popular speaker of ours and is probably well known to many of you as an ex member of the club and previous Head Gardener at Salle and Raveningham Hall. Joe's talk will be about Burghly.
Our meeting will start at 7.30pm with Joe giving his talk at 7.45pm, followed by questions and then (if we have time) as last time, we will open it up to all members to:-
'Show and Tell' (anything or plants of the moment that they are proud of),
'Plant Identification' (we all have plants that we don't know the name of, either we have thrown away the label or they have just popped up and we can't find them on the net - but I am sure that someone in the club will probably know exactly what they are)
'Questions Regarding any Gardening Problems'.
If you could please send any photos to me in advance, as I will then, during the meeting, share with the group when you are ready to talk, therefore eliminating the need for you to learn how to bring up the photo or photos yourself.
I am sure you will not want to miss this talk and if you haven't joined us before for an on-line meeting I would urge you to do so this time.
Web-Ex invites will be sent out shortly.
Summer Show 2020 CANCELLED
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - 19:30Summer Show and Social Evening CANCELLED
A lighthearted, slightly competitive evening with something for everyone.
Outing to Dale Farm Dereham
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - 14:00Dear Garden Club Members,
Following on from my earlier email regarding the cancellation of our Summer Show on the 18th August I have really good news in that I have secured a private visit to Dale Farm gardens in Dereham for the same day at 2.00 pm. For obvious reasons they cannot supply teas/coffees and cakes as they normally do, but we can certainly bring our own. Cost is £5 per person and we would open the invitation up to any guests you may wish to bring.
Graham Watts, the owner of Dale Farm, gave the club a very interesting talk on Dale Farm last year entitled ' The Making of a Garden' and the slides whetted our appetite to see the gardens for ourselves. I have been before and I am sure you will not be disappointed when you see them.
You can check the garden out on the following link
They have had parties of upto 40 following Government Covid Guidelines so we can feel very safe during our visit.
This is a great opportunity to dust off the cobwebs after lockdown and it would be really great to see you all again - it's been a longtime, so if you can make the effort to join us that would be fantastic.
Payment would be on the day, but we really do need a good turn-out, otherwise we may have to cancel which would be a shame after the effort we have put in bringing this to you. Therefore, so we can gauge numbers, can I please ask you to confirm if you wish to join us and the names of any guests you wish to bring.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - 19:45
Ellen Mary
‘Plants and Nature for Wellbeing’
Ellen has been listed in the Top 5 Women Influencers in Horticulture by Grow Your Own Magazine! She has appeared on many TV programmes and is the Horticultural Co-Ordinator for the Royal Norfolk Show. The wellbeing talk will explore the history of social and therapeutic horticulture and how plants and nature overall help our physical and mental health wellbeing.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - 19:30Dear Garden Club Members,
It probably wont come as a surprise that due to the current Covid restrictions we have cancelled our meeting at the Town Hall on 21 July. However, we will continue with our on-line meetings.
Our next on-line club meeting is on 21 July and a WebEx invite will be sent out shortly.
Some really good news we are being joined by Zoe Smith, Urban Peregrine Project Officer of the Hawk and Owl Trust Sculthorpe Moor. Zoe will give an update from the 2020 Norwich Peregrine Project (which I believe has been very successful) and Sculthopre Moor Nature Reserve.
Our meeting will start at 7.30pm with Zoe giving her talk at 7.45pm, followed by questions and then opening up to all members as detailed below
I, for one, am really looking forward to this and if you haven't joined us before for an on-line meeting I would urge you to do so this time.
The Committee have decided not to have a member presentation this time (unless someone really, really wants to give one), but we will open it up to all members to:-
'Show and Tell' (anything or plants of the moment that they are proud of),
'Plant Identification' (we all have plants that we don't know the name of, either we have thrown away the label or they have just popped up and we can't find them on the net - but I am sure that someone in the club will probably know exactly what they are)
'Questions Regarding any Gardening Problems'.
If you could please send any photos to me in advance, as I will then, during the meeting, share with the group when you are ready to talk, therefore eliminating the need for you to learn how to bring up the photo or photos yourself.
In addition, I will also try and arrange for an external speaker Au Fait with WebEx to give a presentation for say 20 minutes. If successful I will let you know the details.
I look forward to receiving your photos and 'seeing you' on 21 July.
Jeff Johnson