A full coach took Reepham Garden Club on the July outing this year. A fine
start to the day,
Fortunately not too hot as clouds built up during the day,
saw us visit Jordans Mill near Biggleswade. The Mill is owned by the same
family who now own Pensthorpe Natural Park, Fakenham, and has been carefully
designed to turn a working mill into a delightful attraction. Massive timbers
are a feature of the modern cafe and restaurant with a large terrace right
beside the river which works the mill. The cake was good.
We drove on to Knebworth House, Knebworth in Hertfordshire. Wonderfull
parkland, and then glimpses of the gothic pile, and we were dropped right by
the interesting gardens. There were various features to explore,(some of us
felt they needed a little help with the weeding) and then some of us went
into the house on a guided tour which gave much fascinating insight and
background to the family, Lytton, (insignia a Bittern) now Lytton Cobbold.
The house is privately owned, by the same family for five hundred years, and
the concerts which are famous and popular are one of the ways the family
seeks to make money to run and restore this Grade Two listed house.