Dear Garden Club Members,
It will not come as a surprise that our September meeting at the Town Hall is cancelled, but I am pleased to confirm that at our next on-line meeting on 15 September we are being joined by Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley House. Joe is always a very popular speaker of ours and is probably well known to many of you as an ex member of the club and previous Head Gardener at Salle and Raveningham Hall. Joe's talk will be about Burghly.
Our meeting will start at 7.30pm with Joe giving his talk at 7.45pm, followed by questions and then (if we have time) as last time, we will open it up to all members to:-
'Show and Tell' (anything or plants of the moment that they are proud of),
'Plant Identification' (we all have plants that we don't know the name of, either we have thrown away the label or they have just popped up and we can't find them on the net - but I am sure that someone in the club will probably know exactly what they are)
'Questions Regarding any Gardening Problems'.
If you could please send any photos to me in advance, as I will then, during the meeting, share with the group when you are ready to talk, therefore eliminating the need for you to learn how to bring up the photo or photos yourself.
I am sure you will not want to miss this talk and if you haven't joined us before for an on-line meeting I would urge you to do so this time.
Web-Ex invites will be sent out shortly.